
Friday 20 February 2015

#FishyFriday finds French fishers on foot!

Enjoy the Google Translation - you get the drift!

Foot Fishing enthusiasts repossess the foreshore widely discovered by the tides. In Crozon peninsula (29), we followed two agents of Maritime Affairs for control operation. In two hours, fifty fishermen presented their baskets. Three minutes were written for undersized abalone. And the officers answered a lot of questions. 

Brittany yellow vigilance, risk of flooding in Finistere As we approach the peak Roscanvel, Olivier David and his colleague of coastal Unit Maritime Affairs - four agents in the Finistère - out of their car and sweep the strike with their binoculars. They did not come for nothing. The silhouettes on the rocks are numerous. "We regularly makes such controls. But the bulk of our business still remains the police fisheries with pros and Security pleasure. "

Bacteria on Saint-Jacques 

The first checks start. In a fairly relaxed atmosphere. "Hello sir, Maritime Affairs. You can see what you caught? ". The man runs with a smile. Certain to be within its rights. In his seal, six beautiful St. Jacques shells that were already salivating. "You're going to have to return them to the water. In the harbor, this species is contaminated with a dangerous toxin to health. Their fishing is prohibited here. " The man and his son who just Plonévez-Porzay (29), flabbergasted. "Tell it to the other fishermen approaching you," continued agents, aware that many, many people do not have access to that info. 

Further, a young man is too small monitor with abalone. He said he was not a regular in the strike and maintains that it did not know the legal size. "Give them to the water, ask her agents. You'll have more fun catching them in a few months. When they are bigger and they will be reproduced. " The controls are continuing. Speaking of abuse, a retired tells that rakes torque while. "I even started to water small abalone so they do not find it. They do not respect anything and did not even call the stones in place. They say it's Parisians stuff. "

This concept of resource conservation has yet a long way. As proof, the templates that some fishermen may have on them. Made by them - a single notch on a tool enough - or bought in maritime cooperatives. "Some are quite familiar with the regulations. They know that the text should be displayed in the town hall. " Others not, and do not seek to know. "Check winkles while you're there! 

" So regularly, after sorting the basket fishermen, agents demonstrate teaching by distributing a printed that lists the minimum sizes and quantities for many species. Sometimes too, they have to deal with irate people who make high. Like this woman verbalized feet in the sand and offers ironically controllers to check the winkles. "She is taken away. I found it was ten fifteen abalone which did not meet the minimum size, one of which was barely two inches instead of the nine required. She replied that she would sort it all home. They would have ended directly in the pan. " 

The report was sent to the administrator of Maritime Affairs, which proposes that before any prosecution, financial transactions wrongdoers fishermen. "It can go very far. Up to 1,500 € for the strongest abuse ". In the coming hours, the agents of Maritime Affairs will be very present on the coast. "We will be there throughout the weekend. And do it again for the great tides of March. " Then they resume their hunt for poachers true that act, band, especially at night. 

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