
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Faith in the future of fishing, Karen of Ladram joins the Newlyn fleet.

Steaming down from Brixham, Newlyn's next netter the Karen of Ladramis about to join the fleet...

taking a berth on the new quay to pick up nets and finish off a few jobs before sailing at the weekend...

the boat was the Boy John half of a pair team with the Rosebloom from Peterhead, see more great photos of the boats and others from Peterhead port blogger Alan Smillie in Scotland...

and is now renamed the Karen of Ladram...

and registered in Padstow...

under skipper Simon Porter whose previous command was the Sparkling Line...

the big Spencer Carter N10 net hauler has been fitted in the starboard side with hydraulically operated hatches...

and a new fish handling system built to allow fish picked form the net to get to the gutting table and washer in the port side deck...

how not to paint yourself into a corner - there were still painters aboard the boat last night at 6pm!...

the galley and mess are huge for a 20m boat...

and the quality of the overall build and fitting out is self-evident...

which  means the crew are all smiles in their new home...

the quality finish extends to the wheelhouse...

here showing the view form the skipper's chair when hauling...

and looking astern...

the crew waste no time in putting their whitefish and hake nets aboard...

from the quay...

supplied by Mr Needle himself ferrying the next bag up the quay.