
Wednesday 25 February 2015

Consultation on Options for the South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plans-

Closing on 4 March 2015

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently preparing marine plans for the South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plan Areas.

The MMO has already undertaken a number of stages of plan preparation;

· analysing the evidence,

· identifying issues,

· drafting the Vision and Objectives.

For information on the South marine planning process to date please go to the South marine plans pages on the MMO website.

The MMO is now launching consultation on draft plan Options.

The Options process focuses on the consideration of different ways of achieving the draft plan objectives and vision, to make sure that the choices made and their implications have been considered.

We have produced an Options report, explaining the options and this is available to view here.  This is an informal consultation on the Options report and it runs for four weeks from the 3 February to the 4 March 2015.

There are a number of consultation questions we would like you to address in your response:

Question 1 - Which is your preferred option? In answering this question, please note it is not possible to select a combination. However, in your response to question 3 you can tell us if you prefer a combination of the options.
Question 2 - Why do you prefer this option?
Question 3 - Would you make any changes to this option and, if so, what? Would you like to combine aspects of different options into a new option? For example, if you prefer option 1 for objective 1 but option 3 for objective 2, please tell us.
Question 4 – Do you agree with the intent of the policies? If not how would you change them?
Question 5 – Please indicate those issues you feel are out of scope (area/range/remit) (eg. those appropriate for signposting rather than marine plan policy).

Please respond to the consultation via the online consultation tool

We look forward to your response.

Many thanks,

The Marine Planning Team

Her Majesty’s Government – Marine Management Organisation

Lancaster House,

Hampshire Court,

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE4 7YH.

Tel: 0191 376 2790


Twitter: @the_MMO

Facebook: /MarineManagementOrganisation