
Thursday 22 January 2015

Late night landing to get hake on a fishmonger's counter near you.

That's half the trip of fish from the Ajax off to Brixham, love the photo on the side of the lorry trailer showing a Brixham beam trawler coming in #ThroughTheGaps...

good to see Treeve back in action #crabbingdaysover ...

while skipper Alan swings another set of boxes ashore...

from the fishroom below...

half the trip is now safely on the fish market in Newlyn all set for the morning's market when your best local shops like The Fish Shop will be looking to have bought Ajax hake for sale on their counters in time for #FishyFriday...

along with beam trawl fish...

 and cuttles 

from the Filly and the St Georges...

ready for the grading machine to fire up nearer midnight.