
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Invitation to attend the South marine plans

Options workshops

11th – 13th February 2015

Brighton, Southampton and Exmouth

Following the successful engagement and consultation on the South Vision and Objectives, the MMO is holding a series of workshops offering you the opportunity to influence the next stage of the planning process for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas: Options.

This work will directly influence plan options and policies and is a great opportunity to ensure the waters around the South coast are safe, clean and productive in years to come.

In February 2015, workshops will be held in Brighton, Southampton and Exmouth and we hope you can attend. Views of those who regularly use or enjoy our coast and seas are vitally important. Please note Southampton is now full but there are spaces available in Brighton and Exmouth.

Please click on your choice of location to book -

All sessions will run 10am until 3.30pm.

A buffet lunch will be provided and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

To register for a workshop please book via Eventbrite at the links above. Places are limited, so we politely request that each organisation send no more than one representative to each workshop. Booking will close on Friday 23rd January 2015.

Information on the Options process, and workshop logistics, will be sent out to participants prior to the first workshop.

If you are unable to participate in the workshops you can still have your say on Options. Details will be circulated to all stakeholders with an opportunity to send written comments direct to the MMO for a period of time alongside the workshops.

For further updates please check the Marine Development Blog.

Best wishes,

The Marine Planning Team
Her Majesty’s Government – Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House,
Hampshire Court,
Newcastle upon Tyne

NE4 7YH.

Tel: 0191 376 2790


Twitter: @the_MMO

Facebook: /MarineManagementOrganisation