
Saturday 10 January 2015

Gales forecast and the Newlyn netters are bound away #EatMoreFish

First of the netters to get away this morning - dspite the poor forecast - the Ajax heads up the exit from Newlyn...

always a thoughtful moment for the skipper as the boat passes Through the Gaps and the trip begins in earnest...

the boys stow the fenders...

 and mooring ropes safely...

as the boat heads out into the Bay...

leaving the beamer fleet still tied up against the quay...

while the netters Ocean Pride and Silver Dawn race one another...

through the gaps...

and wind the power on...

a chance to make a quick call...

before settling down to the long steam ahead...

following close on the netter's heels the Ivan Ellen and IRB are...

out on an early exercise this morning...

making the most of the weather conditions