
Friday 23 January 2015

For fishy #FishyFriday fans Newlyn is full of the finest fish.

Most of the port's beam trawlers are back in port...

as are the netting fleet as we are now in to the spring tides...

the James RH has one of her derricks dropped out a little to give the boat a list into the qauy so that she doesn't fall over when the tide drops away...

three beam trawlers' fish fill the market...

with a big run of megrim soles from the Billy Rowney...

fish talk...

when the discard ban is enforced there may be a few more of these little chaps on the market every day...

Newlyn's major fish species by value much in evidence today...

while the small boats seem to be hitting the immature cod in a big way...

plenty of black fish on the market...

each star ray has a unique ID...

fish ID - but which fish?...

and which ray is this?...

blue on black - FalFish's new company logo graces the cuttlefish catch.