
Friday 12 December 2014

Yesterday in Parliament - the annual fisheries debate

Yesterday's fisheries debate in the House of Commons lasted for nearly three hours. Many of the MPs who spoke talked of the need for better fishstock data, better science and more transparency. Some talked of the superb work carried out by Cefas - but cited the limitations of localised funding for research and the need for centrally funded for research on local projects. There were calls for the science that determines the level of fish stocks to include data from the the most comprehensive and widespread sources - ir the fishermen who catch the fish and their records!

You can listen to the debate in full here:

During George Eustice's response (around 2.25pm) he mentions several local initiatives including citing the work carried out by skipper David Stevens aboard the Crystal Sea II

Below are a selection of tweets taken during the debate:

Ian! the @GAP2_Project symposium promises to showcase just that!

"there must be collaboration" "the fishermen know much more than the scientists" "please listen to the fishermen" #hearhear M Ritchie

@ThroughTheGaps With #Collaboration based on giving reverence to each others knowledge, we can know & achieve so much more #makingthingswork

MP Margeret Ritchie pays tributes to the outgoing fishery constituent MPs - and for parliament allowing the debate to happen #hearhear

George Eustice talking data again - let's hope the December Council will take the data on board! we need more Citizen Science for the fleet

MP for Hartlepool, Ian Wright speaking wise words in the fisheries debate right now about discards describing them as dysfunctional #correct

@ian_kinsey couldn't agree more Ian! the @GAP2_Project symposium promises to showcase just that!

@Crystalseass118 David Stevens and his excellent work on selective gear gets a mention by George Eustice - thank you George :-)

In February there will be an important fisheries conference in Barcelona, the Gap2 Symposium, to celebrate the work of the Gap2. During the three day event there will be a great exhibition to celebrate the work being carried out by a huge range of groups and individual fishermen. The conference is inviting ideas and materials from the EU fishing communities exhibiting to include in the great exhibition - for full details see here.

Through the Gaps will be at the conference - virtually! It is hoped that for the first time and by using livestreaming technology fishermen will be able to take part in some of the talks and presentations being given at the conference.  This will help allow fishermen and other who are unable to attend thew conference in person make a contribution with just the aid of the internet and a web browser!

Watch this space!