
Sunday 30 November 2014

Shine on Sunny Sunday

Cats make excellent angling charter boats...

looks like the old Ygrain is getting a new aluminium top...

while she is undoubtedly Penzance's very own Christo piece...

work continues to dredge the entrance to Penzance dock...

over in Newlyn it's time for the Ajax to take ice after she has made her landing of hake...

some of the handliners are taking advantage of a bay full of pollack...

while the raven and the gull try and sort out their territorial dispute...

nearly set for sea...

homeward bound at the end of the day for the Guiding Light...

for two days only...

don't miss this year's Bucca Christmas sale...

once upon a time nearly every fisherman wore one of these to work in...

days of strong winds from the East have left the beach covered in seaweed.