
Monday 8 December 2014

Monday's mix of fish on Newlyn

Roger is still chasing those big John Dory...

while Seafayre go for some of the Ajax's hake...

along with a few boxes of coley...

the netters are getting good hauls of big white fish with signs of plenty of haddock on the grounds...

the orange spots give a way the identity of this flat fish...

a gaggle of bass wait to be sold...

bright-eyed pollack a-plenty today...

the scaly-back of the hake...

name this white tipped fish?...

the buyers huddle over a trip of inshore fish...

the cuttles are beginning to show on more and more grounds...

Cornwall's very own tropical fish collection - the dark colour of these fish give a way their weedy and rocky habitat...

getting a close up view of the market, @RuthHuxley her team from Cornwall Food and Drink get to meet two Robs aided and abetted by Lionel resplendent in blue.