
Tuesday 11 November 2014

The new Ajax is about to make her maiden voyage.

The new Ajax PZ36 is about to make her maiden voyage from Newlyn. She has left her berth in Penzance wet dock and made her way across the Bay to Newlyn to take ice, fuel and grub... 

She will undertake gear and boat trials today out in Mount's Bay...

so that the crew get a chance to test the new working arrangements for hauling and shooting the nets... 

before they get to the fishing grounds proper...

and check out that the new Spencer Carter N10 hauler which has just been fitted...

and the fish handling system designed to keep the Ajax's famous hake in tip-top condition...

the boat features all the latest safety equipment atop the shelterdeck...

and the wheelhouse is equipped with a much improved navigation and fish-finding electronics than the old Ajax...

even the net hauler when moved in-board is then fully covered by a hydraulically operated shelterdeck hatch.