
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Nice to know how fishermen are treated by the very people who are supposed to look after them - some sort of response is needed methinks!

Fisherman and skipper Ben Stoten very quickly responded to the last post which quoted his letter to his local MMO office in Hastings - which is more than can be said for those he has been writing to himself:

Here's what he said:

"As of yet I've had no response or indeed even any acknowledgement of my emails of which I've sent one direct to Mr Eustice and one to my local Hastings MMO....all though Mr Eustice's auto response email says allow 10 days for a reply."

Come on guys - on the very day we find a single Dutch boat takes 23% of an entire UK #fishquota - Ben's letter deserves a reply at the very least - the fishermen of England deserve better -  the taxes they pay, pay you - not responding could be seen as something of an #insult at the very least.