
Monday 24 November 2014

Mondays magnifique mix of fish

Coldest start to the day in Newlyn since last winter...

with Monday's market full of top quality day boat and line caught fish...

apart from a few boxes of beam trawl fish...

including these cracking turbot...

there was a good selection of line caught bass...

from the punts like the Butts with Cap'n Cod at the lines over the weekend...

this John Dory has the unmistakable black 'thumb print' which is where the French name for the fish comes from of Saint Pierre...

name the fish which swims with this tail?...

the fridge was stacked with line caught mackerel and pollack again...

more fish donated to the Newlyn Harbour Lights appeal...

best brill getting the database treatment...

while the port's biggest stern trawler waits with her landing gear raised for the lorry to take her latest trip to market - 300+ boxes of white fish.