
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Kurt Jackson all at sea - Line Caught and Local

Kurt Jackson, one of Britain’s leading contemporary artists has joined forces with National Maritime Museum Cornwall, developing a new collection of work called ‘Line Caught and Local’.

The exhibition features a stunning series of paintings, drawings, sculpture, supporting film footage and fishing artefacts, as well as a rare glimpse at Kurt’s sketch books, offering an exhibition beyond the walls of the artwork and embracing the life and work of inshore fishermen in audio, film and handling objects.

The works have been created in situ and Kurt has been working, sailing and filming alongside Penwith fishermen who work out of the harbours and ports of West Cornwall. Using time honoured traditional methods, these men sail off in small boats catching crab, lobster, mackerel, bass, sardines and pollock, working with hand lines, nets and pots in acknowledgment of community based sustainable fishing methods.

Kurt Jackson says: “Wanting to immerse myself in the whole subject of sustainability, fishing stocks and the techniques used by Cornish fishermen, I chose to spend the past few years hopping on and off the small inshore fishing fleet around our shores endeavouring to make this body of work in some crazily challenging conditions. It’s perfectly logical that these new works are now being shown here in Cornwall at the Maritime Museum.”

Tehmina Goskar, Exhibitions Registrar at the Museums says: “Kurt’s work draws together many of today’s concerns; the environment, tradition, identity, heritage and community which are reflected in the Museum’s aims and as such there possibly couldn’t be a better location to reveal this new line of work. We are so excited to show Kurt’s work here, to be working with him and for him to recognise our commitment to Cornwall’s maritime heritage by inviting us to work with him on this exhibition.”

Kurt is also working with a number of students at Falmouth University on an art development workshop at the Museum, inspiring the next generation of artists who in turn will be sharing their experiences with younger artists during ‘The Big Draw’ event, hosted at the Museum on 25-26 October. We are truly grateful for his support and are looking forward to showcasing his new work, not only to many loyal fans but also introducing one of Britain’s leading contemporary artists to a new audience.

‘Line Caught and Local’ is on display in the Quarterdeck Gallery at National Maritime Museum Cornwall, Falmouth from 15 September to 25 January 2015. A catalogue supports the exhibition and is available in the Museum and online at

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