
Friday 21 November 2014

It's a grey #FishyFriday kind of day!

Last minute grading and sorting for the Jopy of Ladram's fish - with signs of a few haddock on the grounds...

not so blue but grey today...

as with the Britannia's hake...

not so these reddest of red gurnards...

name this unusual fish, also known as a plumzugen or in Mousehole, better known as a pedn-borbas...

one of the biggest mouths from that 'rarest' of fish...

a fine bevvy of bass...

the boats always donate boxes of fish to be auctioned at this time of year for the Newlyn harbour Lights...

several beamers including the  Lisa Jacqueline filled the eastern end of the market...

her trip included a big shot of John Dory, a notoriously ravenous fish with a taste for quality when it comes to supper it seems...

a big conger full of 'chittlings'...

fish at speed...

a box of small podlinkers in sepia ...

'tiz a tad breezy blowing through the market this morning...

keeping thew bow lines tight on some of the fleet.