
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Wednesday brings little ray of hope for the fleet as the MMO's ban on rays hits home

One for the record, possibly the last rays to be auctioned on Newlyn market this year...

much to the consternation of skipper Roger Nowell (L) seen her talking with fellow fisherman Dennis Pascoe about the shock ban on ALL ray and skate landings in Area VI & VII as of October 10th which many fishermen were unaware it seems...

the buyers are keen enough...

especially as ray is a popular fish in the south west...

and not one the boats can easily avoid catching - their size makes many technical measures to reduce catches unworkable and they can be found on many fishing grounds...

better stick to chasing the Dorys next time...

not seen too often,a box of scad...

while mackerel are still to be found around the coast...

as are these cracking big tub gurnards... 

it's that time of year when the cuttles literally 'paint it black' - look out for the Sapphire II landing a big trip of black gold on Friday...

maybe the Crystal Sea II will be tempted to try fishing for them this year...

today, the inshore fleet will be mainly staying in port owing to the strong winds off Cornwall.