
Saturday 11 October 2014

Ray's of sun shine on Ben Tunnicliffe's roast ray cooking demonstration

Mediterranean style cafe restaurant Indulgence in the Jubilee Pool host a fish cooking demonstration form chef Ben Tunnicliffe today...

ably assisted...

by the next generation of chefs...

watching every move over the stove...

today's demonstration is for a good cause...

as Ben tests the sauce...

for his fishy ray dish...

time to serve the steaming kale...

caramelised artichokes...

with mussels in their shells...

to an enthusiastic crowd...

some can't wait to sample the dish...

as the plate is passed around...

and the forks begin to fly...

as Ben takes a few questions from the floor...

the kids just can't resist...

there were food stalls a-plenty...

on a glorious day in the Bay despite a forecast to the contrary there was plenty of heat in the sky...

and in the food fayre...

 just a reminder of how lucky local restaurants are in Penzance ...

with Newlyn at the other end of the promenade...

the pool was the focus of attention again.