
Monday 27 October 2014

Monday morning in Newlyn

If the beam trawlers can catch cuttles, so can the inshore trawlers it seems...

or even a few mullet...

the Britannia's hake was the only net fish in the market this morning...

along with a good shot of bass...

destined for those quality restaurants up country...

nice little graphic on the Silvery Sea tally...

the handliners are catching huge squid with their jigs over the weekend...

along with a few boats still fishing heavily on mackerel...

seems even the JDs have fed well this season judging by the size of them...

auction action...

crabber in-action...

menders in action...

as the ex-landing ship Arromanches leaves the slip...

adult and teenager...

more action, an old scrubber in the harbour...

coming to a store near you.