
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Landings Obligation Focus Group meets this week in Amsterdam

Landings Obligation Focus Group  7th October – 8th October 2014

Meeting Agenda, Draft (1)


1. Welcome and Introductions Apologies

Adoption of the Agenda (Paper 1.1)

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The report of the meeting held 27th May, London (Paper 2.1)

3. Matters Arising / Action Points

4. North Sea cod TAC and discards in 2015

5. Update on Scheveningen Group work

6. Landings Obligation

• Defining the fisheries
• Phasing of the landings obligation
• De minimis
• High survivability
• Documentation of catch
• Minimum conservation sizes
• Science base
• Choke species

7. Preparation of a NSAC position paper on the implementation on the landings obligation

8. Any Other Business

9. Next steps. Date, time and place of next meeting.

Support papers: 

Report of the last LO Meeting Paper 2.1 Report from meeting 27th May (for approval)

NSAC report from the Meeting with the Scheveningen Tech group meeting 1st Oct. 2014 10 01 Sch Grp MReport

Draft paper from B Deas Implementation of LO in NS V1 140821

EC Non paper on Landings Obligations and Fishing Opportunities 2015 Non-paper LO and FOs LS + Committee 31 July v5

Recording discards letter from EFCA EFCA letter re recording discards

Planned survivability research Survival matrix

Completed survivability research STECF Surv completed

Report from Shetland Fishermen’s Association A fix for choke species