
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Seeking views on proposals to give England’s under 10m fishing fleet the option to have an annual Fixed Quota Allocation (FQAs).

The inshore trawler Aurora 

and Harvest Reaper are some of the growing number of Under 10m vessels as some skippers downsize their boats

We want to know what you think about plans to give England’s under 10m (U10m) fishing fleet the option to receive an annual Fixed Quota Allocation (FQAs). This informal consultation will help us develop these proposals and how they would work.

Read the consultation document here:

Read the PROPOSAL to allocate Fixed Quota Allocation (FQAs) units
This is to improve certainty in business planning and fishing opportunity available to fishermen with U10m vessels.
If the proposals go ahead, we envisage that the FQA entitlement of each licence will have been calculated from the beginning of 2015.

Ways to respond

Download and print the response form here:

and email your response to: