
Saturday 27 September 2014

#MMO Fish landings by value - Newlyn slips to third place!

The amount of fish landed at three largest fishing ports in the Westcountry has increased by 10% in the last year, new figures have revealed.
The annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013 report published by the Marine Management Organisation showed that the both the region’s fishing industry and the fish stocks are healthy.

The MMO report showed that the amount of cod, haddock and whiting landed into Newlyn, Plymouth and Brixham increased by 10%, showing that fish stocks are “healthy and being fished at sustainable levels”.
The figures show Plymouth had the second highest quantity of landings in England last year, with 11,600 tonnes of fish including shellfish landed during 2013, with a value of £13.5million.
This figure was second only to Brixham, which saw 13,500 tonnes of fish landed with a value of £24million.
The third largest landing quantities in the South West were in Newlyn.
Fish landed at many South West ports is often transported to be sold through Plymouth Fisheries, England’s second largest fresh fish market based at Sutton Harbour.
While the figures published by the MMO show a small decrease in overall landing figures nationwide, the amount of demersal fish being landed – fish living on or near the seabed and feeding on the bottom, including haddock, cod and whiting – has increased by 10% to its highest level in 10 years.
The amount of demersal fish landed into the three major South West ports now stands at 13,300 tonnes – an increase on the figure for 2012.
Pete Bromley, harbour master of Sutton Harbour and manager of Plymouth Fisheries, said: “With nearly all the demersal species caught in UK waters being sold through the auction system in the UK, this report confirms that fish stocks in the Western Approaches are fit, healthy, and being fished at a sustainable level, with landings equalling the allowable catch for most major species.
“In 2016, decisions taken as a result of the reform of the common fisheries policy will herald an end to the wasteful practice of over quota fish being dumped at sea, and with a promised increase in quotas, the future for the South West fishing industry is looking bright.”
Plymouth Fisheries is viewed by many as the fisheries hub of the region, sustaining over 600 direct and indirect jobs.
Overall, landing figures published by the MMO show a decrease on the figures for 2012, when Plymouth had the highest quantity of landings in England with 15,748 tonnes, and follow the national trend which has seen a drop of 1% in quantity across the UK, with the overall figures for fish landed by UK vessels down to 624,000 tonnes, and a 7% drop in value down to £718m.
Cpt Jim Portus, CEO of the South West Fish Producers Organisation, welcomed the MMO figures saying that Newlyn, Plymouth and Brixham are once again the shining stars of the industry.
He said: “While the figures from the MMO show the sustainability of the fishing industry and of the fish itself, next year’s figures may well show a downturn because of the turbulent weather we have experienced earlier this year which affected the fleets badly.
“The fishing industry is a 365 days 24/7 industry but when storms hit there is an interruption of service and business. When the price of fuel goes up the fishermen’s bottom line is impacted.
“These MMO figures don’t show the seasonal fluctuations but the picture is of continuing sustainability.
"The industry is still making money which is good for our region. But they also don’t show the cost of catching fish.”
Andy Beattie, acting chief executive of the MMO, said: “We continue to work closely with fishermen to help keep fisheries open for as long as possible, while ensuring stocks are maintained for the future.”

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