
Monday 21 July 2014

Monday's market in Newlyn #eatmorefish

Great start to the day in the Bay...

those Cornish Sardines are now in season and heading to a BBQ near you...

another summer favourite, red mullet...

and those trusty cod are still about...

along with some luvverly lemons...

and delicious delectable Dory...

lining up to be sold...

from the inshore boats like the Millenia

another summer favourite, mini monk tails...

thew st Ives hook & line boats had a weekend on the pollack, still not much mackerel around...

while the king of fish (according to Floyd) made it to auction again...

Bess bound away again...

ready for big hauls...

razor wire - not what you want to come up in your trawl...

Serene Dawni is changing over to fish for sardines for the first time since coming to the port.