
Thursday 3 July 2014

Looking for a gaff cutter sail boat - around 13 metres - do you know of one for sale?

I have received this request from a couple in France who are in the process of selling their 7m classic yacht and are looking to purchase a gaffer around 13m on which to live, sail and provide educational trips. I have used their text as provided!

"In the beginning there was a right-hand drive Porsche, then I decided to live during some months in Paris where no car is needed — just a flat. So I sold my Porsche. My beloved wife had then a good idea to book the last mooring available in the Arsenal Port, just between the 4th and the 11th arrondissement of Paris. The thing was done, so we needed to get a boat — the future Crevette Rose (Pink Shrimp) was found in Cherbourg, a sloop of 7 meters by the architect John Westell, an Englishman, built in La Rochelle in 1963 in one single piece.

Their current boat, Crevette will be returning to her spiritual home!

And here we are in Cherbourg with a suitcase of linen, some cash and ready to live in a piece of mahogany furniture. After ten days of sail training with the seller, we head for Paris ! Since then we had adventures and lived in Normandy, Paris, Moscow, Palermo, Kiev and Le Havre, where our little treasure is actually moored. This year we are going to say goodbye to Crevette Rose because we would like to donate it to an English foundation so that it returns to England. Crevette Rose is not a prawn, and we need a bigger vessel. We definitely decided to live aboard with our daughter Rose but also to organise trips for people with modest means.
To be specific about our request, we are searching for a gaff cutter of 13 metres or more, in good condition or no — it will depend on its qualities. We are looking for a boat as original as we are."

If you can help in any way please contact them here - email arnaud trambouze