
Friday 18 July 2014

For fish fanatical fans #eatmorefish fish for it's #FishyFriday


There were a few more boats this morning than was thought...

which meant a superb box of tub gurnards was up for auction...

and a few scallops form some of the beamers...

were all flying off the markey floor

at great speed...

along with JDs...

wholesome haddock...

all keeping the merchants like FalFish happy...

there were even abundant supplies of those bottom of the barrel species like cod and haddock...

all carefully scrutinised by the young and the old...

as the Valhall headed to the iceworks...

before starting another trip...

the netters should all get away today...

you can't beat it...the Round Britain Experience...

time to contemplate a cuppa on deck...

as the bigger yachts head back to sea... 

good to see the Defiant in port again...

as the Ocean Pride heads out Through the Gaps...

for another trip with the nets...

wash and brush up time for the crabber.