
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Cornish anglers have your say with IFCA this week!

Anglers in Cornwall are being given the opportunity to have their say at a meeting held by the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs).

Recreational sea angling is one of the country’s most popular sports, with up to two million people taking part every year. Yet anglers, and specialist anglers whose focus may be on larger fish of a single species, regularly run into problems whether they are issues that affect fish habitats or conflict with commercial fishermen.

Do you fish for sport or a hobby in Cornwall? Do you want to have a say in how the inshore waters around Cornwall are managed? Cornwall IFCA is holding a public meeting to discuss the formation of a Recreational Sea Angling Strategy for Cornwall.

Cornwall IFCA is looking to involve as many voices in the formation of its Recreational Sea Angling Strategy as possible. If you have an interest in the way inshore fisheries are managed or would like to find out more about how Cornwall IFCA manages the fisheries please come along to the open meeting.

This is the first sector specific strategy Cornwall IFCA has produced and as such represents a major step in recognising the value and importance of the recreational sector in the Cornish fisheries. This is your opportunity to contribute to this process.

All are welcome to the public meeting and there is no need to book a place, however if you would like any further information please contact Cornwall IFCA on 01736 336842 or e-mail us at

If you would be willing to display a poster for us please click here to download a pdf.

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