
Monday 19 May 2014

Misty Monday morning

Monday morning and the rush for the ice works continues...

things seem to be looking very organised on the market - each set of boxes is from a different inshore trawler...

a few lonesome grey gurnards mixed in with their much more numerous cousins the red gurnard...

signs of summer as the number of John Dory landed by the boats increases...

and they are getting bigger...

a big trip of monk from the two big beam trawlers St Georges and the Cornishman...

this turbot is just too big for the box, prime fish from the beamers...

the Girl Pamela all set to put increase the size of her crab pot fleet...

Bonnie Grace looking a pretty sight in the morning light...

as the boys put fresh gear aboard...

anytime soon the summer Sardine fishery will start again...

Celtic Star, another new inshore trawler in the port.