
Sunday 11 May 2014

Lizard lifeboat launched to rescue a yacht off the Lizard.

The #Lizard #lifeboat was launched this afternoon to a 40 foot yacht with a damaged mast. The yacht was 37 miles SSW of the Lizard Point when she radioed for assistance...

the wind has been steadily increasing all day and is currently hitting over 45 mph in gusty conditions - if the boys on the lifeboat are lucky they might make it home for a very late pint tonight. The waypoint plotted on the AIS above shows that at 17:45 she had 27 miles to go to reach a safe harbour in Falmouth - EWTA around 20:29 - so by the time the boys sort of the yacht and its crew and manage to thumb a lift back to the Lizard they should make last orders!