
Tuesday 20 May 2014

500 Free Fish is the Dish Fishmonger Kits!

FISH is the Dish has launched a marketing kit for independent fishmongers.

With 700 free kits now available to all UK fishmongers, the pack is being offered to support independent businesses and provide them with marketing materials for their own customers. The pack includes a species poster that shows the most popular seafood species available in the UK, a large marketing poster from Fish is the Dish, double-sided self-cling window sticker, a wipeable 'Specials' board and pen, 500 recipe leaflets, stickers, children's booklets and more.

The packs are available on a first come, first served basis. By signing up for a pack via Fish is the Dish, fishmongers will have their business details promoted on the Fish is the Dish website where consumers will be able to search and locate independent mongers in their local area.

The Fish is the Dish initiative by Seafish was designed as a digital campaign to showcase to families that fish is a healthy, quick and easy choice to feed the family.

For a pack or more information go here: