
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tuesday's market and inshore boats in action

Girl Pamela makes her way quietly towards the fish market...

to take on more gear...

looks like Cefas are mob-handed this morning with two data collection teams...

on the go, much needed when there are plenty of small fish to collect data from...

the St Georges'  megrims are bright-eyed this morning...

the fiercesome thornback ray...

many monk tails from the Sapphire II...

an unwelcome guest inside the fish market, one for Edwin to sort out...

it's that time of year when some of the inshore trawlers will be on the lookout for bigger and better hauls of John Dory...

the visiting Dutch beamer has spent the lat few weeks twin-rigging...

and now needs to swap back to her beam trawls... so there's plenty of work for the crew to get through today...

early start for the inshore men...

as they make their way to the pontoon berths...

the punt Benediction is taking part in some research on inshore waters sea temperatures - this is one of the transponders being fitted to fishing gear like lobster pots to record data, hopefully Gus will provide TtG with more info soon...

time for Andrew, surrounded by tubs of home-brewed bait, to fire the main engine...

and get these new pots in the water...

just a quick pic for the @DrecklyFish Twitter page keeping their customers informed...

then it's time to shove her off...

and head for the gaps...

she's not the only inshore boat heading off to sea...

it will soon be time for the local gigs to make their way across to the Scillies for this year's World Gig Rowing Championships...

looks like its going to be a dull but dry day...

local graffiti of the more artistic sort.