
Friday 11 April 2014

The petition said, "Give us back our beach!" - and they will!

Ask, and it shall be given - and ask is what the people of Newlyn and Penzance did thanks to the likes of Emily Smith who started a petition calling for the Council to take immediate action - and the petition, now with well over 1,000 signatures has helped spur Cornwall Council into action - all this after David Cameron promised the government would do whatever was necessary to make good damage resulting from the worst winter's weather in living memory - and so far that translated into a mere £1.2 million on the table for an estimated £20+ million repair bill...

on a sunny Easter holiday the coastal path between Newlyn and Penzance would normally be busy with holidaymakers and locals alike - however, this morning the path was home to a meeting between exasperated local business owners like retailer Andrew Fawcett and Ben Tunnicliffe from the Tolcarne Inn...

and Cornwall Council's Head of Environment & Waste David Owens, Cormac representatives including Ian Newby, County Councilor and ex-head of Penwith Council Jim McKenna and local councilor Roger Harding all keen to resolve the horrendous eyesore that the seafront has become after a huge - and unnecessary say protesters - Berlin Wall-like barrier was erected to keep the public away from the small section of path that actually needs repairing...

the group walked the length of the coastal path to Wherry Town so as to take in just how off-putting the eyesore of a 'safety' fence was and just how unnecessary on health and safety grounds - let's face, it for much of the Coastal Path of Cornwall in the far west there are 200 foot sheer drops and old mine shafts to negotiate with nothing more than a few warnings signs to warn the visitor...

how many meetings can see such immediate response?! - even before many of those who attended had made it back to their cars Cormac had dispatched a team of men to begin removing the barriers!...

as the first of a 3-stage plan to redress the current situation swung into action.