
Monday 28 April 2014

Plenty of high quality fish on the market this Monday morning

Harbour commissioner Rob Wing spins another fishy yarn on the market this morning...

with the biggest landing of turbot this year from the netters that landed over the weekend...

BL 925806 Saint Catherine Laboure

for the second time in a week, the Boulogne boats make their way in to overland their fish back to their home port - good news for the harbour's coffers as, like any the boat landing in the port, they have to pay a % of the catch value that they land as landing dues - and it's good news for them as they can be nack fishing on the grounds in the Bristol Channel saving themselves nearly three days in steaming time from their home port...

followed by the L'Arc en Ciel...

both boats can work a light mid-water trawl and carry the pelagic doors for this net on the gallows aft above the Morgére bottom trawling doors on the boat's quarters...

time to take fresh water...

the marque of the boat's owners...

visiting wind farm service vessel, Lynas Point...

the classic West Country trading ketch Irene bathes in early morning sunshine...

waiting for weather to get to the Scillies...

as is Mitch's new inshore trawler, Sowenna III which as the name suggests is third in line in the Mitch fleet!..

hopefully it wont' be long before the new Cornish Ice ice works is commissioned.