
Wednesday 2 April 2014

A few fish on the market this morning but plenty of boats overlanding to other fish markets

 It takes two to tango...
 you wouldn't want to be slapped across the face my a ray would you...
 just the one squid this morning...
 Mr Fal Fish back in action on the market...
 early start for the Crystal Sea III...
 bound out through the gaps...
 leaving the transport waiting for the inbound beamers...
 and the Imogen III...
 high water this morning...
 looks like the ice works will get a lift tgis morning... 
 in come the lady...

 for the benefit of visiting Tesco wet fish counter staff on a tour of the port... 
 next Brixham beamer Barentzee...
 enters the gaps......
 and heads for a landing berth...

a new path takes shape...

 which looks as though the repairs to the path proper might be going to take some time!