
Monday 10 March 2014

Monday morning's market - #eatmorefish

Trawl caught fish by most popular species was evident this morning with mountains of megrims...

lemon sole...

and monk tails from the Cornishman...

and some top quality inshore monk from the Harmony kept the buyers busy...

turbot don't some much bigger than these guys - at 15kg this fish alone would provide enough cuts to keep the best chefs smiling...

whereas the once plentiful mackerel are still thin on the ground in the waters around the south west...

an impressionist was at work this morning....

the netters landed big mixed trips for their first decent trips since last year...

plenty of roes from the big white fish trips...

helped fill the western end of the market...

where some fish were stacked seven boxes high to save space...

mums the word it seems...

make a careful note...

and just tell 'em how big that one was...

holding a £100 hake is not something you get to do everyday...

as students from Exeter University's Environmental Science Course (also available as a distance learning course) get the benefit of Andy's wealth of piscine knowledge...

with the kind of work Cefas undertake on the market every morning being one of the many job routes such such students could aim for...

out in the harbour there is calm...

as the Replenish make her way to the fish market...

making a plea for help after the longest sustained period of winter weather in living memory...

boats look for crew need look no further!