
Thursday 20 March 2014

Help Plymouth University research student Kayleigh out - she wants your views on Fishing and Marine Litter - cash prizes!

Many Newlyn vessels contribute to the Fishing for Litter Scheme run by KIMO
My name is Kayleigh Wyles and I am a research assistant part of a research team at Plymouth University. I'm examining fishermen's experiences with marine litter and schemes that aim to address this issue of rubbish on our coasts and in our seas (such as the Fishing for Litter scheme). The research project hopes to help make things easier for:

  • The environment 
  • The fishing industry 
  • Harbour authorities 
  • Individual fishers

In order to explore this I am conducting short online or phone interviews with fishermen, only taking about 10 minutes. As a thank you, there are also cash prizes.

I was hoping you'd be happy to help, by either 1) sharing your views and participating in the study and/or 2) spreading the word by sharing the advert ( or tweeting the link ( or the full link It’s also on the NFFO website:

Discarded Spanish longlines