
Friday 14 March 2014

#FishyFriday finds fish full of the best fish in the west on the market #eatmorefish

Puzzled indeed, probably because the piscine professor is nnot too sure what he has in his hands...

though pretty confident that he is holding a Couch's Bream for the first time in his life...

as the rest of the Falmouth students get their chance to pose with other fishy friends for the camera...

and others get in on the act...

haddock don;t come in much better condition than these fully-scaled beauties...

plenty of #FushyFriday fish on the market...

and for the beam trawler William Samson a big trip of luscious lemons...

juicy red mullet...

spotty plaice...

and a good shot of turbot made up an excellent trip for her...

with a few big bass thrown in for good measure...

all keeping the bidding brisk this morning...

especially for some of the bigger white fish like these huge pollack...

a closer look at the Couch's bream...

just one of the fishy finds for the Falmouth visitors...

who came through the fog this morning...

in time to see many of the boats in from sea...

including the visiting scalloper...

Jacqueline Ann from Falmouth...

beginning to take shape...

the new iceworks is due to go into commission next month.