
Monday 31 March 2014

"Fishermen in Brittany", the largest organization of fishermen in Europe requires its members to suspend their hake fishing

"Les Pêcheurs de Bretagne", the largest organization of fishermen in Europe requires its members to suspend their hake, until April 6. This decision was taken to regulate a market in trouble, a victim of the weather.

"Fishermen in Brittany" with 800 ships, 3000 sailors has asked its members to suspend their fishing hake. In a statement, the organization explains the reasons for this drastic decision, scheduled for two weeks, until April 6.

A victim of weather:  "For several weeks, fishermen continue to face the onslaught of weather and market After private fishing during successive storms (late 2013 - early 2014) fishermen can again returning to sea and provide a quality fish are now subject to the law of contract: purchase prices are at their lowest. " Fishermen Britain also recalls that since January 1, it no longer receives public funding (fish in France enjoyed a withdrawal price arrangement) to support its members in case they do not sell all their production to different auctions. Since March 20th, all hake fishery practiced in midwater trawl (net which does not touch the seabed) is suspended in order to regulate the market and expect a return to normal . This restriction does not only apply to this species: pollock is also affected by limitations for an indefinite period. This measure relates to a total of thirty, in Lorient and Guilvinec. "We currently have a crisis in demand, " regretted Yves Foëzon, deputy director of the organization, told AFP. It calls for the establishment of a "true interprofessional" so that "all industry players work together" to face such market pressures.

By Emilie Colin Published 03/25/2014