
Monday 17 February 2014

Out on a shout and bounders

Tonight's AIS tracks tells two stories - on the one hand the Penlee lifeboat Ivan Ellen gets called out to deal with three young girls doing what local kids do at high water - jumping off the prom - unfortunately for them this resulted in both inshore and offshore Penlee lifeboats being called out on a shout to rescue them - though one of the girls, herself the daughter of a lifeboatman was praised for her prompt action which led to a satisfactory rescue!

Here's an update from the Penlee FB page: 

Both Penlee Lifeboats launched on service at 17:44 this evening, Falmouth Coastguard received a call from a member of the public reporting three young girls in the sea and in difficulties in rough seas between the Promenade and Battery rocks, Penlee ILB arrived on scene first and located the girls and quickly got them aboard the Lifeboat, they were then taken to Penzance harbour where an ambulance was waiting, thankfully the girls are ok but very lucky, Penlee Alb, Rescue 193 helicopter and Penzance Coastguard CRT also on scene.

 meanwhile, the netter Ajax has seven tonnes of ice on board and is heading off to sea to catch some hake.