
Sunday 2 February 2014

Irish prawn trawler suffers smashed windows on the Porcupine Bank forced to steam for shelter

Two Prawn trawlers sustained wave damage on the Porcupine this morning. All crew are safe and accounted for. One boat sustained a shifted wheelhouse and window damage and is being accompanied by another vessel, and they are making their way towards Dingle.The other boat has window damage is steaming for Castletownbere. A spokesman for the Valentia Coastguard said they were not worried about the safety of the crew at this stage and both ships were under their own power and making their way ashore.

Update: Both Fishing vessels that were damaged on the porcupine Bank yesterday morning are now safely in port. The "MFV Endurance" reached Dingle in the early hours of this morning after being accompanied ashore by the "MFV Shauna Ann" for their safety. The "MFV Ellie Ádhamh" arrived safely in Castletownbere at lunchtime today. 

The American National Weather Service recorded a rogue wave at 63 feet in the area where the boats were fishing shortly before they sustained damage.

Full story courtesy of The Skipper Online