
Friday 28 February 2014

Blustery north west winds hit 50mph which means its a fresh 'n freezing #FishyFriday

Caught pretty much in sight of Lamorna, cracking pollack up for auction...

good to see the Gordon's fish on the market this morning...

along with the Cornishman's haddock, the buyers need all the fish they can get at the moment having had to maintain a workforce with very little fish to handle or process for nearly three months...

always plenty of work for the Cefas boys...

Newlyn Fish keeping an eye on things...

especially these examples of gold dust...

quick fish ID course for the new recruits...

"that's never a large med"...

at 42cm more like a jumbo mackerel...

gets the blue flash light treatment...

another one of those fish vying for the ugly awards, this good looking chap sporting the piscine equivalent of the goatee - the ling...

one of Newlyn's big gill netters lays to the fish market.