
Monday 20 January 2014

More on Monday

Stacked three boxes high...

plenty of good whitefish on the market floor this morning...

some showing off the kind of quality you would expect from Newlyn - bright red gills are a sure sign of freshness...

there was a good selection of decent sized bass up for auction...

to keep the quality supplies going...

from our Padstow cousins...

the Britannia V waded in with a good run of pollack...

fishy quiz of the day - name this fish

despite the season there were just a few boxes of mackerel...

plenty of haddock though...

with heir familiar thumb print type marking behind the gill on either side of the body...

just the three beam trawlers on the board...

as boats like this one are still landing their fish to the market at Plymouth...

the Kaol Pastel has her decks fully loaded with some of her 1000+ pots...

as the crew fleet them ashore...

and pile them high!