
Monday 27 January 2014

Many megs maketh Monday

This was the weather for much of the weekend...

shots from Cape Cornwall looking towards a barely visible Land's End pounded by yet another heavy Atlantic swell...

all of the fleet bar the port's biggest beam trawler are in port...

so Monday's market is awash with fish...

including megrims form the Sapphire II...

and a good shot of cuttles...

down the other end of the market several netters put  their fiosh ashore including hake for the Ajax...

and the Sparkling Line...

who landed some huge (by Newlyn standards) cod...

these guys always brighten the market boxes...

whereas these guys look like some sort of alien creature trying to escape...

fuel time for the Sapphire II...

while the crab fleet have plenty of gear to sort on the quay this week.