
Monday 13 January 2014

Lucky number 3

Twilight III was one of five beam trawlers to land for Monday's market...

along with Imogen III thick with haddock...

a new name on the market floor...

there was so much fish most of the trip were stacked 2 high...

including seven boxes of congers...

down the netter's end the trips were stacked three high...

a big shot of mullet...

and bass should keep the restaurant trade happy with top Cornish fish...

along with this big turbot and a box of roes as the big white fish begin to hit the spawning season...

the market was the busiest it has been for over three weeks this morning...

with the netter Gary M putting a good run of pollack ashore...

along with the Stelissa...

on the harbour, work has begun on demolishing the shed that was originally built to house a temporary fish market while the old one was refurbished, just as well the middle panel blew down at 4 am this morning...

gear on deck and ready to sail again...

gear on the crabber's deck and ready to shoot again...

a classic piece of woodworking on sale in Penzance.