
Friday 16 August 2013

#FishyFriday in full flow and flight

After a night of torrential rain amazing to see that high water isn't even higher #wheredoesitallgo ... 

on the market there was a good mix of beam trawl...

 hake fro the Ajax...

and blackjacks or coley...

with Lionel giving one of his guide tours around the market...

the run of mackerel seems good this week...

while these are top drawer line caught pollack...

and some big net cod...

 one of the resident gulls stepping out for a spot of breakfast...

as the skies turn heavy once more... 

lets hope the Wayfinder is around for a good while yet as she makes an excellent subject for the artists who visit Newlyn

they might have cancelled the Red Arrows at Falmouth this week but the gulls still provide a constant display of aerobatic skills for free...

this lost pot has been rolling around the ocean bed for many years!.