
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Big boats big trips

Heavy skies over the land this morning...

as Tom maintains his watch over Mount's Bat and beyond...

the hand line boat Silver Spray heads for an ice works berth...

shiny hake...

and monk tails from the Myghal...

keep the buyers busy...

the  Trevessa IV landed a good trip of summer fish...

one big monk tail...

and a few mackerel...

kept the two auctioneers busy...

with a big trip from the biggest boat in the fleet, the Billy Rowney...

there's yet another new boat in the port this weekend, with a classic name...

here';s the last boat in Newlyn bearing the name seen here steaming to the grounds in the days of handlining for mackerel...

and from the bow...

this time she is Falmouth registered...

with her brand new aft net pounds...

she is a replacement for the old Ocean Spray...

plenty of protection on her hull to stop the net meshes catching on her wooden planks...

sun's up!...

the visiting stern trawler, Ocean Spirit from Brixham...

has Cefas aboard in the form of Sam Smith, nice work if you can get it!...

a cracking start to the day...

in the morning sun...

gives the harbour a very tranquil look...

time for a few stretches for an early morning runner.