
Monday 15 July 2013

Monday's busy market

Good to see the Geordie boys back in town...

these soles are mine it seems...

mountains of megrims from the St Georges and the  Lisa Jacqueline...

such red red mullet, the fish on the Lisa always look good...

the local crabbers get through tonnes of bait per day...

from Grandad, signs of the very best top quality handline caught mackerel...

a couple of days big hake fishing for the net boats...

including the Sparkling Line's glistening hake...

and haddock still on show...

meanwhile, out in front of the fish market, the Cornish Sardine season is now underway with boats like the catamaran, Lyonesse...

landing a good run of fish...

getting the slush ice treatment to maintain tip-top quality the fish is renowned for...

with the punts doing an equally good job looking after their mackerel in tubs with slush ice on board...

which always prove popular with the morning marauders...

signs of Valhalla.