
Thursday 11 July 2013

French fishing industry wrongly cited as being subsidised to the tune of 100% - so it's not just here!

Many thanks to Yan Giron for proving this more accurate analysis of the French fishing industry and EU financial intervention.

BLUE LOBBY TRANSPARENCY reacts to mis-interpretations of the interim report of the French Court of Auditors regarding subsidies to the French fishing industry. These stated that over 100% of the French fishing industry were subsidised. Our contribution shows, using the same public data the report of the Court of Auditors used, that these interpretations are wrong. The State and European aid includes TECHNICAL subsidies (currently under negociations in EMFF) AND SOCIAL State subsidies (which are the 2/3rd of the State and European subsidies in 2008). For social aid, as a value per worker, the fishing industry is equivalent to agriculture or the French Railroad company SNCF. An excessive interpretation of these social aids could question the French Social Model - one of the special social schemes for demographically unbalanced schemes.

Same article downloadable as a pdf with an English summary [also added to this email)