
Wednesday 3 July 2013

A dismal Wednesday morning all round

It's a kind of blue hue day today..

and another dollop of megs makes the market floor...

where things are a little dim and dismal inside the market, who would have thought neon tubes were so hard to find...

maybe the price of monk tails will brighten things up...

the new kit used by Cefas for data logging is now in use on the market floor...

with the sexy blue zapper doing it 70s disco thing...

hake from the netter Ajax should make good money as it is the only net fish on the market, not surprising as around 5 or 6 of the big netters land away to French markets these days...

breakfast ahoy!...

a timeless classic on display, or you can walk down the quay and see the real thing between trips...

casting a few rays of sunshine over the Bay...

ti catch a real adventure holiday why not get some real blisters on your hands and enjoy a trip with the classic lugger, Greyhound with Greyhound Lugger sailing currently in the wet dock in Penzance.