
Monday 24 June 2013

The Monday morning megrim and monk show

It is just possible that this Monday morning will herald the arrival of summer proper with the forecasters predicting long periods of unbroken sunshine...

which will make sailing days all the more pleasant for boats like the crabber Emma Louise as she heads for the Low Lee buoy leaving a flotilla of swans in her wake...

the latest of Newlyn's big new netting fleet are back in port seen here at high water on the biggest tide of the year...

June means scallops so there are always a handful of scallopers passing through the port at this time of year...

the port's biggest trawler, Crystal Sea II  basks in the early morning rays of sunshine...

back in the busy Monday morning market megrim soles...

and monk tails make up the bulk of the landings from the beam trawl fleet, megrim soles, like hake need a real push to UK customers at this time of year as the weak Spanish economy has seen affected the price for both fish -  megrims are very tasty flat fish and well worth eating...

turbot, of course, are always going to make good money as they provide a succulent pristine white fillets...

last of the netters to make a landing this tide, the Govenek of Ladram is seen here having just rounded Penlee Point at high water bound for Newlyn...

after steaming from the fishing grounds off the southern Irish coast .