
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Take the Marine Litter Survey!

Perceptions about marine litter

We invite you to take part in a survey about marine litter (litter which is found on the coast and in the sea).

Who is organising this survey?

This survey is part of a European project called MARLISCO – Marine Litter in Europe Seas: Social Awareness and Co-Responsibility. The survey is being led by Plymouth University, UK.

What are the aims of the survey?

We want to understand what people’s opinions are about marine litter. In this survey there are some questions about what type of litter is found on the coast and in the sea, where it comes from, what the consequences are, and who is responsible.

On the next few pages we will ask you some questions about this and it should only take about 15 minutes. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in this survey. We are interested in your opinions.

What happens to the information I provide?

Participation in this research guarantees confidentiality of the information you provide. No one apart from the research team will have any access to the information you provide. We will not ask you to write your name on the survey. Surveys will be stored securely for as long as is required by the UK Data Protection Act. Once the data are analysed a report of the findings may be submitted for publication. Only broad trends will be reported and it will not be possible to identify any individuals. A summary of the results will be available from the researcher on request.

Contact for further information If you require any further information or have any queries about this survey, please contact the principal researcher, Bonny Hartley (


Please read the statements below and tick the box at the bottom of the page to indicate you consent to take part I have received adequate information about the survey and about my ethical rights as a participant.

I fully understand that my participation is voluntary, the information I provide is confidential, and that due to the anonymous nature of the survey, it is not possible to withdraw data once it has been submitted.

Please tick to confirm you agree to take part in this survey