
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Some comments and the early hours press re;lease from th Fisheries Council meeting in Brussles

@OCEAN2012UK: BBC News - UK claims breakthrough in fish dumping talks…#CFPreform

With #cfpreform talks having continued into the small hours. The detail of the position will be key to ensure the future of our fisheries!

Council Press Release:

As regards agriculture, ministers were briefed on the state of play of the trilogues on the reform of 
the common agricultural policy (CAP) and debated more specifically the subjects of the active 
farmer requirements, the young farmers’ scheme and the small farmers’ scheme. 
In addition, a qualified majority in favour of a decision on the EU position in the framework of the
International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) could not be reached. 
Concerning fisheries issues, the Council held a debate on the outcome of the trilogues on the 
reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP). Ministers agreed on adjustments of the negotiating 
mandate to the Presidency to finalise the discussions with the other EU institutions on the basic 
regulation of the CFP. These adjustments concerns maximum sustainable yield (MSY), landing 
obligation, regionalisation, multiannual plans and capacity management. The Presidency also 
informed the Council about a provisional agreement with the European Parliament reached at the 
end of the third trilogue on the market regulation of the CFP. 
Finally, the ministers were briefed on the consequences for agriculture of the proposal on tobacco 
products, the orth East Atlantic mackerel stock, and a global summit on oceans.